Brooklawn Capital
Brooklawn Capital Fund
Brooklawn Capital Fund II LP
Brooklawn Capital
Brooklawn Capital Fund
Brooklawn Capital Fund II LP
Brooklawn Capital Fund
Brooklawn Capital Fund II LP
Brooklawn Capital Fund
Brooklawn Capital Fund II LP
Brooklawn Captial manages two separate investment funds. These funds are generally focused on commercial real estate and the purchase of structured credit instruments and trade receivables. Brooklawn Capital also provides real estate development and small business loans.
Emile van den Bol is a highly experienced executive in the areas of structured loans, credit and corporate governance, and management of investment funds focused on structured credit, real estate and trade receivables. He established Brooklawn Capital in 2010 to take advantage of opportunities in the structured credit and real estate markets brought on by the financial crisis.
Prior to the founding of Brooklawn Capital, Emile was a Managing Director in the Commercial Real Estate Group of Deutsche Bank Securities, where he served as Global Co-Head of the Specialty Finance Group and Global Head of the CDO Group, and was a member of the Executive Committee of the Global Commercial Real Estate Group. While at Deutsche Bank, Mr. van den Bol also served as a Governer of the Board of the Commercial Mortgage Securities Association.
Mr. van den Bol started his Wall Street career in the Structured Finance Group of Morgan Stanley and later joined Lehman Brothers, where he held a number of positions including Head of the Esoteric Principal Finance Group, Head of the Esoteric Securitization Group and Co-Head of Lehman Brothers Franchise Conduit.
Mr. van den Bol holds a J.D. from the University of Amsterdam Law School and an M.B.A. from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Mr. van den Bol currently serves as a Director of Patriot National Bancorp, Inc. (Nasdaq: PKNB). He is the Chairman of the Board Loan Committee and serves on the Board's Audit, Compensation, Governance and Nomination, Asset and Liability, and Executive Committees.
694 South Sound Road PO Box 1749 Grand Cayman KY1-1109 Cayman Islands (345) 925-2500
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